Missing Name Note (Apple box)
Missing Name Note (Apple box) Piano worksheets for kids to learn online. Recognizes the shape of musical notes. Learning whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes. Improved the readability of sheet music when sight-reading. The duration of the note in music
Mariage D’amour – Solo Piano
How to play Mariage D’amour Solo Piano Piano worksheets for kids to learn online. Recognizes the shape of musical notes. Learning whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes. Improved the readability of sheet music when sight-reading. The duration of the note in music
Skip and step search game on sheet music
Skip and step search game on sheet music Teach children what is a step, and what is a skip During the practice of playing the piano on the sheet music, you ask your child to find the places on the sheet where the skip or step phenomenon appears.
Steps to teach children to learn Piano effectively
Steps to teach children to learn Piano effectively Identify black and white keyboards Group of 2 black keys and group of 3 black keys Introducing 7 notes in Music (A B C D E F G) How to identify the C note on the keyboard (The C note is on the left side of the …
Steps to teach children to learn Piano effectively Read More »
Frère Jacques – Sheet Melody
Frère Jacques – Sheet Melody Piano worksheets for kids to learn online. Recognizes the shape of musical notes. Learning whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes. Improved the readability of sheet music when sight-reading. The duration of the note in music
The error between sol key and fa key
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star – Name Notes Music notes from C4 and above are called highlands Notes below C4 are on the low side The meaning of sol key is it contains notes in the highlands The meaning of the fa key is that it contains low notes
Ode To Joy – Melody
Ode To Joy – Melody Piano worksheets for kids to learn online. Recognizes the shape of musical notes. Learning whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes. Improved the readability of sheet music when sight-reading. The duration of the note in music
The Entertainer – Solo Piano Easy
The Entertainer – Solo Piano Easy Piano worksheets for kids to learn online. Recognizes the shape of musical notes. Learning whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes. Improved the readability of sheet music when sight-reading. The duration of the note in music
C Major Scale – Notes and Chords
C Major Scale C scale C scale C scale C chord